Portfolio & Benchmark Returns
November 2024
We are delighted to publish the aggregate performance of each of our investment strategies for a series of time periods. For each strategy we have selected an appropriate benchmark so you can consider their absolute and relative returns over different periods. The table will be updated with each new month and typically four weeks after month-end.
Investment performance information is important, although we stress that it is far from being the only factor to consider when assessing the quality of an investment management and financial planning service. Other important aspects must include the quality and care demonstrated by the Firm to its clients, additional financial and tax planning guidance, costs and capital preservation.
Should you have any queries regarding the published data, please do contact us.
*The PJM benchmarks are constructed from an investable range of exchange traded funds, unit trusts and passive funds, designed to represent risk profiles and assets of PJM strategies.
Important Information
Actual aggregated returns are shown for each PJM portfolio, covering all clients in that strategy.
Individualised product performance data for longer terms up to five 1-year periods do not exist.
Results are total performance of that product pool over each period, allowing for all in/outflows.
The results are shown as Total Return, with all income and capital gains incorporated, after fees.
PJM benchmarks exclude all PJM advisory, management and transaction fees but which are shown in our actual results. However, they do include underlying costs in the benchmark funds.
The source of all benchmark data is Iress Pro.
All performance and benchmarks cover the latest calendar month and quarter ending period.
This information is produced to indicate the returns based on the product pool. Individual results may differ depending on when the investment is made, its size, if additions or withdrawals occur, whether income is drawn or not and other individual constraints and factors.