Charity Pay Et Al

Charity Pay Et Al

I am sorry but I have always shared a concern when charities have morphed into ‘big business’. Of course, it is right that charity staff are rewarded appropriately but there is also an element of employment for a vocational calling to fulfil the charity’s objectives and thus it’s not all about receiving a colossal pay packet as well. I was disturbed to see the Telegraph’s recent research showing 278 charities pay executives over £157,372pa – the Prime Minister’s salary. Thirty-five had paid individuals receiving over £300,000. Overall, the reviewed charities showed that over 2,500 individuals receive over £100,000pa.

In my mind demonstrating the excess was a small assisted-living housing charity in North London which had an income primarily from rents of under £700,000 and yet which paid its chief executive not far from £200,000 – how on earth can that be right? The Charity Commission has reminded all that ‘Being a charity is a privilege’ and I shall hope that the message will resonate and start to redress the balance to prove to all those who are so supportive of charity by donations and time can feel that they are not simply supporting bloated fat-cats at the top of too many trees.

The Wellcome Trust had the highest paid individual on £4.7million and more akin to running a large corporation but still…

Related but unrelated, I was also reminded that within the EU, one in five of its 10,000 staff receives more than our Prime Minister too and they voted special tax rates so they only pay between 8-24% rather than the usual higher rates suffered in their home countries. Still, others will be paying their bills going forwards!